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About Natalie Vivien

I have been writing stories since I was a little girl and always dreamed of becoming a novelist. It’s humbling to realize that my childhood dream has come true. It isn’t always easy: some days the words flow like water; other days they trickle in, like ice. But the mental effort is nothing compared to the satisfaction of constructing worlds, capturing moonbeams in a handful of syllables, proclaiming happily-ever-afters for all.

I write love stories because I’m living a love story with my wife, fellow author Bridget Essex. We share our storybook home with a beloved family of cats, dogs, bunnies, fish, and birds, and we spend our days laughing, writing, taking thousands of cute photos of our pets, and tending our little secret garden.

Some of my favorite things: old books, time-worn treasures, animals, thunderstorms, flowers.

I am very honored if you’ve chosen to buy my work and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I love writing it.